Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blog 4A: Response to Brainwashed

Seth Godin’s “Brainwashed”

One layer that is suggested to the reader that we need to do, in order to become un-brainwashed is "Acknowledge the Lizard." By this he means that we NEED acknowledge that part of us that starts screaming inside saying THIS IS SCARY THIS IS RISKY MAYBE WE SHOULDN'T DO THIS and become apparent that this is there. By becoming aware of this aspect of our brainwashing that comes with our schooling telling us not to be risky, we can over come it. Once it becomes an isolated factor that we are apparent of it loses all of its power. Once this part of you is pin pointed, you can over come it. You can tell it to shut up and then there's nothing that can scare you. You can be confident in your art and your efforts without the fear of what others will think.

Another great layer that Seth points out is that we need to adapt the ability to connect. To makes something of this incredible resource thrown at us called the internet and use to to open and explore an infinite amount of things and to use this knowledge and our opinions and connect to other people about them. In a not so technological stand point, i read an article the other day that called its readers to connect in a different manner. He called them to "know the cleaning lady" and he meant this is the most literal way. At work or school there is the janior we see everyday and he or she helps make our lives cleaner and easier, why should we not know their names? He calls us to connect with everyone, especially those that help you, it does wonders for them and helps you be an infinitely better person.

I love all articles like this. I think they give great insight into something that everyone wants to be but not many people are. good. Everyone wants to be a good person and i think articles like this challenge us to think different but also on another level challenge us to to be a better person. To be accepting and kind and open to new things. I think that being a good person is especially more important in the media world where connectivity and networking are some of the core values we are told to work on.

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