Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blog 8B: Written Reflection on the Hero/Villain assignment

Pete Fumosa’s character assignment involved Larry the Lawyer and Mr. Doctor. They used lighting so show the character motivation. Larry the lawyer is more shaded; one side of his face is much darker than the other. His colors, black and red, are symbols of a darkness and blood. The mood comes with his shape; his shape is very overpowering and dominating. Mr. Doctor, the judge, and the nemesis of Larry the Lawyer has almost no shading at all, giving him a lighter feel. His color scheme of yellow and blue have happy and uplifting symbolism that comes with the blue sky and yellow sun. His rounder shape and goofy face give him the connotation that he is definitely the good guy. The use of contrast and affinity is used between the two characters. The affinity lies within the characters themselves. Larry the Lawyer, has red, black, orange and yellow are analogous to one another. Mr. Doctor’s colors of yellow and blue are complementary to one another. Between the two characters they contrast. The mood given with Larry the Lawyer because of his coloring and shading is much darker than that of Mr. Doctors lighter, yellow and blue coloring.

Andrew Nalette’s characters are very creative and interesting. Him and his partner chose to have their hero and villain be represented by the sun and the moon. I really liked that their epic battle happened during an eclipse when they finally stop “chasing” one another. I thought the idea in general was very creative. Due to the nature of the characters, lighting was obviously their main difference. Shadows/darkness was used with the moon, where as the sun was very bright and yellow. Because the moon comes out at night, essentially always associated with night, the moon is the antagonist in this story. The sun being associated with the daytime and good times and good weather, he is the antagonist of the animation. Also the symbolism that comes with the sun and the moon also contribute to their roles in the animation. The sun has a happy, fun and warm connotation; therefore he is the protagonist of the animation. The moon symbolizes night, darkness and, spooky things, therefore he is the villain. The mood that is set during their animation is mostly by the connotations previously states but also with their facial expressions. The sun has sunglasses and a smile, where the moon has a deep brow and a frown. There is nothing more contrast-y than night and day so these  characters are very contrasting, where their shapes are affinitive

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